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Best Practice Guide Marketing on Facebook

18 Haziran 2011 , Cumartesi 12:00
Best Practice Guide Marketing on Facebook

Facebook by Objective

Foster product development and innovation

Facebook allows you to learn about your target audience and to understand their interests and friends. For this reason, Facebook can be used to generate new product ideas and innovations. Our platform tools allow you to build entirely new social product experiences like an online store that displays only your friends’ favorite products, or a car in which you can access your News Feed. You can also enlist your Facebook community to help crowd-source your next product idea.

5 steps to foster product development and innovation

1 Run a creative campaign to solicit input for your new product

a. Run a contest or event to gather input on Facebook by building an application to gather submissions

b. Have the community vote and provide incentives for participation


2 Drive awareness of and participation in the campaign by promoting it across your marketing channels

a. Run a Facebook Ads campaign that includes Sponsored Stories for App Used

b. Promote the campaign in your other marketing channels such as TV, email, print or on your website


3 Identify and refine your target audience with Campaign Reporting and Page Insights

a. Optimize your Facebook campaigns by testing which audiences are more responsive to different creative

b. Use this information to bdirect future marketing efforts


4 Build a social product experience by using the Graph API and Social Plugins

a. Enable people to like individual products and content across the web with the Graph API

b. Use Social Plugins like the Activity Feed, Recommendations, Comments and Live Stream to make experiences off of Facebook social


5 Be present and active on your Facebook Page throughout the product development cycle

a. Use publishing and Facebook Questions to get feedback, iterate and generate future product and marketing ideas

Generate awareness

Once you have created a Facebook Page that allows your unique brand to shine, it is time to generate awareness of your Page, latest product, or current marketing effort. To do this, you can leverage Facebook’s tremendous reach and targeting capabilities with Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories. These products offer the benefits of earned at the scale and predictability of paid. That’s because they are shown with stories about friends who have already engaged with your business on Facebook. This is the new word of mouth and it’s twice as effective at driving awareness.

5 steps to generate awareness

1 Create a Facebook Ads campaign that encourages people to take an action that will be seen by their friends

a. Keep ad destinations on Facebook

b. Encourage liking to build connections and make future campaigns more effective

c. Keep text simple, highlight special offers, tell users what to expect, have a strong call to action


2 Integrate Social Plugins and the Graph API, such as the Like Button, into your website and mobile experiences

a. This allows the actions people take off of Facebook to show up in the News Feed and be amplified through Sponsored Stories


3 Post interesting content with clear calls to action that encourage interaction and sharing

a. Applications on Facebook can be used to build viral awareness campaigns

b. Promote launches or promotions with Deals or Events on Facebook


4 Run Sponsored Stories to promote people’s actions from the News Feed to the right column of their friends’ screen

a. Sponsored Stories for App Used allow you to amplify every time someone interacts with your app

b. Sponsored Stories for Page Posts can be used to ensure your fans see your posts


5 Use Facebook’s unique reach and targeting capabilities to optimize and iterate on your campaigns

a. Try different targeting techniques: Likes and Interests, Friends of Connections and standard demographic

b. To maximize message recall, test different creative for each target group


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